Flipped Upside Down

Sharing time…

While on a family vacation, this past January, I was in a life-altering car accident. I was the only person involved in the crash. It occurred at the start of our vacation, so many people ask if it ruined my time off. It didn’t. In fact, it was the best vacation ever. And here’s why.

Flipping upside down in a car can truly change your perspective on a lot of things. The day of the crash, I was supposed to be spending time with my family, but, instead, decided to run errands around town. I’ve often longed for a restful spirit, but my default is go, go, go! Well, in the blink of an eye, I learned the importance of being still.

Miraculously, I emerged from the overturned vehicle, with a new outlook on life. My desire to film weddings increased, because now, more than ever, I understand the true reason why we need to capture these life events. Life is a series of beautiful moments that quickly pass us by. We often hear that life is fleeting, and that is so true. It is so important to cherish the times with friends and family. To share amazing experiences, laugh A LOT, and enjoy the sweet times you have with one another. What a blessing it is to be on this earth! So often, we get caught up and overwhelmed with little frustrations throughout the day. We lose focus, and forget to be joyful in the fact that we are alive. We, often, take for granted our life and blessings, but it’s so important to give thanks for every little thing. The Bible says in I Thessalonians 5:16 to “Rejoice always.” And that is so true. That God has given you this day and granted you another day to share in each precious moment, is such a gift. Be thankful for that. You never know which moment could be your last.

So many times, I am reminded of where I could’ve been after such a horrible crash, and where I am now. Through faith and prayer, I have returned to driving. And although, every day, I am constantly reminded of the sounds of metal being crushed into the ground, I persevere. I know God has blessed me!

I’m so excited and thankful for this summer! To be able to film these upcoming weddings, is such an incredible thing, because people will be able to look back on these memorable times, relive those moments, and smile.

I just felt I wanted to share my recent experience, and uplift anyone who reads. Maybe if you’re having a bad day, I want to remind you of how special and important you are. I want to encourage you to enjoy each moment and invite you to spend times with those who are dear to your heart. Thanks for reading. Now go hug your loved ones!

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  1. Thanks so much for putting this down on paper so to speak! These are valuable words that have a great impact on people’s lives. We are SO THANKFUL to GOD for sparing your life on that fateful day in Florida. It’s a day we won’t forget for many reasons. You are so right, out life can change in an instance. We are to walk carefully through life savoring every moment. I am so thankful that you have learned this while you’re still young. Often it takes a lifetime to realize the gifts that we have been given every day that we’re breathing on this earth. I am so thankful to God for you and Paul and of course, precious little Noah!! There’s no one like him and I’m so grateful that you’re still here to be his MaMa!! God bless and thanks again for sharing!!

  2. Each time we think of you guys we think about how lucky we are to have you as friends. Thank you for that. Life is a precious gift, and we are so happy that you are still here to receive it. We love you guys!

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